If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor. 如果皮肤发红、瘙痒或脱皮,要向医生咨询。
Something wrong with my skin, I should go to see the doctor soon. 皮肤敏感了,过几天要去看医生了。
If you experience a skin rash, discontinue use and consult your doctor. 如果您出现皮疹,停止使用并请教你的医生。
The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor also honor their secret. 这对夫妻对于取臀部皮肤做手术的建议达成一致,但他(她)们请求医生保守这个秘密。
In order to remove your skin cancer, the doctor will first scrape the area with a spoon-like tool called a curette. 为了要除去你的皮肤癌,医生将会首先用叫做一个刮匙的一个像匙一样的工具刮掉区域。
After each treatment, you wash your skin with soap and water and apply a sunscreen before leaving the doctor's office. 在每治疗之后,你在离开医生的办公室之前用肥皂和水洗你的皮肤而且应用一个太阳油。
Reprinted from Family Life Network, for those allergic skin shoes in the use of this method under the guidance of a doctor! 转载自家庭生活网,对于有过敏皮肤的童鞋请在医生指导下使用此方法!
Check your skin regularly and report any changes to your doctor. 定期检查皮肤,一旦发现有变化,就去看医生。
The worst that will happen is your skin will itch and puff up and your doctor will give you something for the allergy or the inflammation. 如果不小心碰到树液,那你最倒霉就是皮肤瘙痒和肿胀,你的医生会给你一些抗过敏或治皮炎的东西。
The standardized processing of doctor's advice on clinical skin test to control the quality in a whole scale, effectively avoid mistakes and strengthened the legal powers of doctor's advice. 对皮试医嘱的标准化处理进行了全面质量控制,有效地杜绝差错发生,增强医嘱的法律效应。